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Brain Gain Move
For youngsters to be able to concentrate optimally, we need to make sure that both motor skills and cognitive skills are well developed.

We are excited to introduce a brand-new programme to our portfolio! This unique programme, presented only by Brain Gain, is aimed at all 4-6-year-old toddlers, to make sure they enter Grade 1 as winners.

Research on the tremendous pressures on preschool children, gave rise to the development of this unique program.

The Brain Gain 2-year school readiness program is one of its kind and specifically formulated to ensure your child is ready for school when he or she enters the formal school environment in Grade 1. A major advantage of this program is early detection of problems.

In this programme, the child, parents and teacher, all work together to ensure school readiness. Our aim is to let your child enter Grade 1 with confidence!
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“Let’s make homework fun” workshop

I give parents of gr 1 to 3 children ideas of how to make learning more fun. Ideas of how to learn languages as well as maths.

Most parents and children see homework as punishment. They feel that homework is unnecessary and has very few advantages.

Most of the times, when it comes to homework, it is a constant fight. When homework is done in a structured and meticulously planned manner, it can in fact, be approached without any trepidation.

With this workshop I assist parents to help their children to do homework in a fun way. Different ways to learn their spelling words, bonds, time tables, etc. For each day of the week there is a different way to learn. And when it is fun, children actually want to learn.

This workshop is for grade 1 to grade 3 parents.

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Learning Styles Workshop
Determine your own as well as your child’s unique learning style. From Gr 1.

There is no right or wrong way when it comes to learning. Some people may find that they learn best when taught in a specific manner, while others may find that manner confusing and difficult to understand. The different ways or approaches to learning are known as learning styles.

With the Learning Styles Workshop, individuals are assisted to find their unique learning style and how to approach learning according to their learning style. We look at the different characteristics of that learning style and how to apply that learning style in the classroom for more effective concentration.

This workshop is for all ages. Foundation phase as well as students will benefit from this.

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Learning Styles and Study Techniques
Determine your child’s unique learning style and how to study according to it. From Gr 4 onward.

This workshop kicks off the same as the learning style workshop where we first discover the individual’s learning style, characteristics and how to approach learning.

For each learning style there are different ways to learn and to remember their work. Different memory techniques are taught so that the learners can find the technique that will work best for them. We also teach them the different steps when learning, to study more effectively for exams. They are not taught to remember their work for tomorrow’s test, but to remember it for longer.

This workshop focusses more on grade 4 to grade 12 as well as students.

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Learning Styles for Teachers
Determine your own learning style and how to assist the different learning styles in the classroom.
Most people start to develop their learning style at an early age. It is important that teachers take the various learning styles into consideration when developing lesson plans and when instructing the learners in their classes.

With this workshop, teachers are assisted to find their unique learning style. It will give them clarity on why they do do things the way they do and how to incorporate all learning styles in their lesson plans.

The target market for this workshop is all teachers, fascilitators and tutors.
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Yolande Botes Learning Styles
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